Author Signing at Foxes & Fireflies
Join us on Small Business Saturday, November 30, from 1 pm to 3 pm, to talk about books and celebrate Superior’s new independent bookstore!
Cottage Grove All Community Read: Guest Author Carol Dunbar
Cottage Grove is the largest community in Dane County, WI, without a library. Their board and volunteers have been working hard over the past several years to expand library services and establish library programming as an essential part of the Village's operations. In 2023, they hosted 76 programs for upwards of 3,000 people with a very modest budget. This year for 2024, the Cottage Grove All Community Read will feature award-winning author Carol Dunbar, who will be presenting and reading from her work on Thursday, Octover 24th, in the Cottage Grove School Library. This event is generously supported by The Friends of the Cottage Grove Library who have graciously purchased copies of A WINTER’S RIME. MORE INFO
Writing Wild from Off the Grid: Meet author Carol Dunbar
Hosted by the Cloquet Public Library, join award-winning author Carol Dunbar as she talks about her alternative lifestyle, the real-life accident that inspired her first novel, and the 12-year process of writing THE NET BENEATH US. Author Q&A and book signing to follow. MORE INFO
Something Weird, Wonderful, and Magic: A Conversation with Wisconsin Writers Steve Fox and Carol Dunbar
Hosted by the cozy community hotspot Honest Dog Books, join two award-winning Wisconsin authors for a conversation that flirts with magic and the unexpected places fiction can take us. Steve Fox is the author of the award-winning debut, Sometimes Creek. Please join us at the bookstore on Thursday, July 18 at 5:30 pm. There will be refreshments and dogs. MORE INFO
Ridges & Rivers Book Festival: A Conversation with Wisconsin Writers Nick Petrie and Carol Dunbar
Hosted by The Ridges & Rivers Book Festival and Dragonfly Books, join two critically acclaimed, award-winning Wisconsin authors for a conversation about the writing life, their most recent novels, and the great state they call home. The Ridges & Rivers Book Festival began as a collaboration between the Driftless Writing Center and the McIntosh Memorial Library to celebrate reading, writing, and community. For more information about the 2024 festival visit their website at Ridges & Rivers Book Festival.
Hosted by the American Association of University Women, join us for a Scholar and Author Luncheon - Off the Grid with Carol Dunbar. Learn about her life in the deep woods and the 12-year process writing her first novel. All attendees will receive an autographed copy of The Net Beneath Us.
Author Event: Carol Dunbar, in conversation with Julie Carrick Dalton
Join us for an evening with Carol Dunbar, as she discusses her latest novel A Winter's Rime, in conversation with Julie Carrick Dalton, author of The Last BeeKeeper.
Wine and light snacks will be served.
Southeast WI Festival of Book
Join authors Carol Dunbar, Maggie Ginsberg, and Marisa Dondlinger for our panel discussion, “Women Writing Women: Three authors, who feature strong women characters in their work, discuss bringing their own experience of womanhood to the page.” Even will be held in room N129 at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Waukesha campus. Books being discussed are Carol's A Winter's Rime, Maggie's Still True, and Marisa's Open and Gray Lines.
Wisconsin Book Festival
The Wisconsin Book Festival, presented by Madison Public Library in partnership with Madison Public Library Foundation, presents free, public author events that celebrate books and spark conversations. Join award-winning author Carol Dunbar to hear about her process for her latest novel, A WINTER’S RIME.
Chippewa Valley Book Festival
Writing off the Grid: What Can Nature Teach Us About Bearing Hardship?
The Chippewa Valley Book Festival celebrates the written word through author readings and book signings, school visits, and includes programs for writers of all ages. After a very successful hybrid schedule with both in-person and virtual events during past festivals, the 2023 festival will continue to build on that structure and offer many participation opportunities for residents in the Chippewa Valley and literary enthusiasts around the world.
Chapter2 Books: Author Signing
Join author Carol Dunbar in beautiful downtown Hudson to celebrate the launch of her latest novel, A WINTER’S RIME.
Drury Lane Bookstore
Lin Salisbury of Live Superior Reads will interview Carol Dunbar about her lates novel, A Winter’s Rime, to be broadcast by WTIP.
Central Wisconsin Book Festival
Join the Central Wisconsin Book Festival for our final 2023 event featuring award-winning author Carol Dunbar sharing a behind-the-scenes look at her new novel, "A Winter's Rime."
Southport Literary Fair
Join authors Carol Dunbar, Jimmy Juliano, Danielle Hanna, and moderator Hannah Morrissey in our Place as a Character discussion from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Room B. Presented in partnership with Kenosha Public Library and Blue House Books, Carol will also be available for book signing throughout the day.
Superior Public Library
Twin Ports Perceptions: A Look at Two Cities with authors Carol Dunbar, Barton Sutter, and Anthony Bukoski
Live @ Mystery2Me Author Conversation with Doug Moe
RSVP to reserve your spot HERE or livestream the event to attend it virtually HERE.
Live @ Lion’s Mouth Bookstore
In conversation with Jill Stukenberg, author of News of the Air.
Siren Sojourns with MPR Journalist Kerri Miller
Browse the nooks and crannies of Honest Dog Books and then join us on the patio for coffee, treats and a special interview between Kerri and Wisconsin writer, Carol Dunbar about her book, “The Net Beneath Us,” which is on the trip’s reading list.
Book Launch for A Winter's Rime
PRE-ORDER YOUR SIGNED COPY with a personalyzed drawing of an artic snowflake. VISIT ZENITH’S PRE-ORDER PAGE.
Paperback Release Event at Barnes & Noble
Join Carol Dunbar at Barnes & Noble of Duluth to celebrate the paperback release of her award-winning novel.
Reading & Conversation with Carol Dunbar & Steve Fox
Two award-winning Wisconsin authors, one incredible library space.
Join authors Carol Dunbar and Steve Fox for a reading, conversation, book signing, and more.
Join us on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 6 PM to celebrate the best published work from 2022 by Wisconsin writers. The award ceremony includes brief readings by first place winners and will be followed by a reception and book signing by the authors. Mystery to Me will be on hand selling books.
Don't miss the opportunity to hear some of Wisconsin's best writers reading from their work. This event is free and open to the public.
Author Talk for the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Group
Come listen to Carol Dunbar talk about the 12-year process of writing her book from its conception to completion.
Book Club for Writers: Carol Dunbar — The Net Beneath Us
Join us live at The Depot or Zoom in for a writer’s talk about the book process from concept to completion to publication.
Register for each event by emailing
You will receive an email with directions to the Depot and a Zoom link close to the event.

Author Event at Magers & Quinn Booksellers
Join us for a live author event featuring two writers from the north.
In Conversation with author Peter Geye
Carol Dunbar is returning to the Twin Cities to talk about writing her debut novel THE NET BENEATH US with Peter Geye, author of THE SKI JUMPERS.
Author Signing in Duluth, MN
Join author Carol Dunbar on Saturday, November 5, at The Bookstore at Fitgers for an author signing and chat. Come one, come all, to wish Carol happy birthday!
Author Reading in Madison, WI
Join Carol Dunbar in-person or livestreaming at the Mystery 2 Me Bookstore in Madison, WI for an author talk and reading of THE NET BENEATH US. Hope to see you there!