Selected published work and tales from off the grid: read, watch, and listen.
What Writing Under the Constant Threat of Deluge Taught Me about the Creative Process
Lit Hub
How Do You Know When It’s Done?
Loving Him More When He Walks Out the Door
New York Times Modern Love
Two Mothers — One Bear, One Human — Have an Encounter
Wisconsin Public Television
Every Drop Counts
Wisconsin Public Radio
The Face of Surrender
Great Lakes Review
Literary Mama
What Does a Vegetarian Do with Roadkill?
Wisconsin Public Radio
The Heart of All that Is: Reflections on Home
Holy Cow! Press

Last Gleaning
North Carolina Review, Volume 51.1 | Fall 2018
"The only problem was the pickle barrel. It waited there at the end of every shift, loomed in her mind like a dark promise because it couldn’t be avoided. She had to perform closing duties before going home."
Saving Stobs
The Hal Prize for Fiction 2018
“Ruth Ann lifted her chin. Her bottom lip swollen and cut, the chip in her front tooth the size of a peanut’s heart.”
Boy Who Lit in the Bleeding Tree
Midwest Gothic | Winter 2018
"She left the foster home and lived three months on trains. Brushed her teeth and washed her hair in rusted sinks. Got her newspapers and mittens for free. People always leaving things on trains. It’s easy to get things. Once, even a cashmere scarf."
Mule's Rebellion
The Midwest Review, Volume 2
"The last video taken of my parents together in the same room somehow survived her. Mother had her photo albums, the composed version of things, but Dad had his camcorder."
The Red Coat
The Talking Stick, Volume 26
"She hasn’t made anything like it since, couldn’t repeat this again if she wanted to, and what’s more it was made not for an infant but for a young girl. So who else could it be for?"