Updates from the Wisconsin woods

A Winter’s Rime featured on WTMJ: The Morning Blend
Carol Dunbar, author, former actor, playwright and coloratura soprano joins us to talk about her recently released novel, "A Winter's Rime." A novel about looking to nature to find what it can teach us about bearing hardship and expanding our capacity to forgive—not just others, but ourselves.

An in-depth conversation with MPR host Kerri Miller
Novelist Carol Dunbar lives in the woods of northern Wisconsin, and it shows in her new book, "A Winter's Rime." It follows 25-year-old Army veteran Mallory Moe as she struggles to come to grips with her past during a bleak Midwest winter.
— MPR NEWS with Kerri Miller
Episdoe September 15, 2023

A Winter’s Rime Featured on WDIO: The Lift
“I was doing a lot of research, I was reading reports, I interviewed a lot of experts,” she said. “And then my first big realization was, oh, I’m writing about PTSD. And I was surprised by that.”

Douglas County writer launches second novel
Carol Dunbar's second novel, "A Winter's Rime" looks inward to healing from trauma.
Feature: Superior Telegram, September 2023

Off-grid novelist's new book connects brutal winter and healing trauma
In the remote northwoods of Wisconsin, Mallory Moe is having a difficult time adjusting to civilian life. She's fresh out of military service, living with her abusive girlfriend in an off-grid cabin and grappling with PTSD symptoms related to a traumatic childhood. Although she's seeking solace in the rugged solitude that only sparsely populated, natural settings can provide, she soon learns she needs people — specifically an injured, clearly traumatized young woman who appears in the woods one night — to begin peeling back the layers of what haunts them both.
Maggie Ginsberg, Madison Magazine